Saturday, November 10, 2018

Daily Health Tips - Advantages of Pears

Pears somebody call “Nashpati” in Bangladesh, ‘Perikkai‘ in Telugu, ‘Nashpati‘ in Hindi ,’Perikai‘ in Tamil, ‘Sabariil‘ in Malayalam, ‘Naspatti‘ in Gujarati, ‘Nashpatti‘ in Marathi, and ‘Naakh‘ or ‘Nashpaati‘ in Punjabi. 
Advantages of Pears

Pears contain plenty of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, Potassium, Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc etc. Each pear can fills one day health essentials, pears juice is more efficient. As pear is rich in fiber, it minimizes the heart problems. Pear can prevent breast cancer by up to 34% in women after menopause. Its fiber helps in controlling blood sugar and diabetics and improves digestion.  When you feel weak, pears are absorbed quickly and convert into energy. It has Folic Acid, which is very important for a pregnant woman to keep the baby safe from birth defects. The dietary fibers of pear keep skin smooth and soft. Pear is also useful to remove wrinkles, acne, and pimple. The vital vitamins and essential minerals boost immunity and energy. Pear has plenty of lactic acid, which keeps our lips healthy, soft and smooth. The ripe pears nourish the scalp, keep the hair moisturized, make the hair shinny and reduce hair falls.

Get more natural health tips in Bengali at Ajker Prosongo.

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